Tony Ramirez
2 min readNov 15, 2020

Artist Essay

Artist: Heather Anacker

Media: freelance

Artist: Krista Feld

Media: Crater, Freelance

The artists were aiming to create a comfortable scene. At their showing, they wanted everyone to take their shoes off to be more interactive. They believe taking their shoes off make people more vulnerable, which will lead to more soaking of knowledge. In addition, they wanted to give the idea of a sacred area to where the viewers sort of step out of reality to join their artistic world.

Their work portrays many different things and presents itself in many different styles. They aren’t set to one texture or style and their art portrays many different forms. Their art started with different scents and spices that the artist use to refresh and sort of rejuvenate themselves. Going on throughout their art, they mainly had darker or duller colors. They tended to stick more to the greys and blacks, but always had a splash of cream or beige to it. The work always reflected the time spent to create it and it was very visible through the textures provided in them. Much of their work was big pieces, often you didn’t have to look too hard to notice the detail.

Their art portrays to many real-life ideas and objects. I felt the art they showed gave off a homestyle feel, ironic right. They made everyday objects and tools into new styles of art. They intended to make everything with time, and nothing was rushed, this was very noticeable through some of the art they were showing, especially the blanket. I can’t imagine how many hours she spent knitting the work and making it look ideal to what she wanted. The herbs became art to how Krista uses them, and it’s not for cooking. She puts them in pillows to give herself a comfortable feeling. I feel the artist did a nice twist to everyday objects.

Out of all the art styles we’ve looked into and written about, these would be in the middle. I understood and felt every art piece portrayed in the gallery / video. I would say the most interesting pieces for me were the spoons and bowls. I have made stuff out of ceramic clay before and I know it isn’t easy. I thought it was cool how they would interact with their viewers by allowing them to pick a bowl and spoon to help themselves to some food. Overall I thought it was ok, not my favorite but not my least favorite.

