WK 12 — New Friends

Tony Ramirez
Nov 15, 2020

2. before this activity i didn’t know Jason at all

3. i would say i know Jason a little better since i know his name and interest

4. yes this is possible we can make new friends this way. Jason and I could even possibly play games together to get to know eachother more.

5. another way Jason and i could connect is if we played video games together. we would have more conversations and be able to hear eachothers voices.

6. we communicated through discord chat. I feel if we would have used instagram we would’ve got a better feel and picture of eachother.

7. padlet was easy to use, it was confusing at first because the app doesn’t offer but once i spent a little time on it i got the hang of it.

8. ZOOM! zoom is really a new experience, with zoom i could’ve obtained the same amount of information and so much more. In addition, we would’ve been able to see each other, and possibly found out more just by being face to face

